Moraharpa (in Sweden nyckelharpa, moraharpa) is a traditional Swedish instrument that has several modifications as it has developed for over 600 years. The earliest evidence of the use of nickelharpa is the image of two musicians playing this instrument, which is located on the gates of the church in Källunge on the island of Gotland and dates back to approximately 1350. In Swedish, "nyckel" means key. The word "harpa" usually refers to stringed instruments like a guitar or violin. Sometimes nickelharpa is referred to as "Swedish key violin." The modern chromatic nickelharpa has 16 strings: 3 melody strings, one monotone (bourdon) string, and 12 resonant strings, as well as approximately 37 wooden keys that are designed to slide under the strings. Each key has frets, which when sliding, reaches the top and clamps the string, changing its sound. The performer uses a short bow with the right hand and clamps the keys with the left. The nyckelharpa has a range of 3 octaves (from the lowest "G" like the 4th string of a violin) and sounds like a violin, but with a much deeper and warmer sound.
It's easy to buy a Moraharpa (Nyckelharpa) and make an unusual gift for yourself or your friends!